5th Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Trot 5K Run/Walk!

Please join us for our weekly run/walks. Have fitness goals for the New Year? Become a member of We Run Mount Vernon and join our fun fitness community!

Thank you to our sponsors and participants for a successful 2024 Turkey Trot.

Our Lead Sponsor

Our Co-Sponsors

The Honorable Mayor Shawyn Patterson-Howard

Commissioner of Recreation Kathleen Walker-Pinckney

Mt. Vernon City Council

Department  of Public Works

Mt. Vernon City School District

Mansa Gory & The Denzel Washington School Band

Eric Crump-Director Of Constituent Services

YCOP of Mt. Vernon

Dr. Kadeem Howell – New Steps Physical Therapy


Foodtown Mt. Vernon


Mervyn Francis

Dr. Alfonso Owens

Mrs. Kim Wilson-Owens

Kerry Owens

Ron & Velma Mitchell

Monique Harding

Dr. Dionne Finlay

The Life of JC

WRMV Members & Board Members

If you would like to become a sponsor please email
werunmountvernon@gmail.com. You can donate at PayPal to

Coach Wall

Karen Carr

Community Service Award Ceremony

About Us

We Run Mount Vernon is all about getting people healthy by getting people moving. We Run Started with a weekly walking group in 2018. This group has been faithfully going out Monday, Wednesday and Saturday from the Gazebo in Hartley Park in Mount Vernon. We also run a free Monday morning youth running club based at a local Mount Vernon school.

Community Service Award


We Run Mount Vernon is the passion of a group of Mount Vernon women dedicated to fitness for every BODY at every AGE. Our group includes a broad range of fitness enthusiasts: from NY Marathon Runners to fitness newbies.

We Run Mount Vernon is a voluntary organization. We are looking for donations to help support our group activities & organize Mount Vernon’s in-person Thanksgiving Turkey Trot in 2023. 

You can donate at the link below or via PayPal to Werunmtvernondonate@gmail.com. We appreciate your support!