5th Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Trot 5K Run/Walk
Join We Run Mount Vernon for our Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Trot 5K on Saturday, November 30, 2024
Check-in – 7AM. You must arrive early to pick up BIBS.
Race Starts at – 8AM
Location: Hartley Park
Same Day Race Results!
$30 non-members / $10 children under 12 / $25 WRMV members
Free 2024 Turkey Trot T-shirt included with registration.
This year’s Turkey Trot takes place Live on Saturday, November 30, 2024. Run/Walk entry costs for Live participants are $30 for non-members, $25 for members of WRMV, and $10 for children under 12. WRMV Members will receive a link to sign-up at the member rate. The first 250 Live participants are guaranteed to receive a free event t-shirt at Check-in on event day. Check-in starts at 7AM, November 30, 2024.
**We are celebrating Movement **
Children ages 5 to 9 will have their own ceremonial 55 meter run/walk within Hartley Park. The Children’s Event will start in Hartley Park at 7:45AM. Parents must be responsible for their children.
Children can of course join their parents on the 5k Run/Walk as well.
Those out-of-state and international friends can participate via a Virtual Trot beginning Saturday, November 23rd and ending Saturday, November 30th 2024. There is a $10 entry fee for Virtual participants. The fee covers processing costs.
Post pictures of your run/walk @werunmtvernon on FaceBook. You can also link to a site like Strava, Map My Run, or another site that records your run. Be sure to set the run to “public” and set it to “race”.

Our Lead Sponsor

Our Co-Sponsors:
The Honorable Mayor Shawyn Patterson-Howard
Commissioner of Recreation Kathleen Walker-Pinckney
Mt. Vernon City Council
Department of Public Works
Mt. Vernon City School District
Mansa Gory & The Denzel Washington School Band
Eric Crump-Director Of Constituent Services
YCOP of Mt. Vernon
Dr. Kadeem Howell – New Steps Physical Therapy
Foodtown Mt. Vernon
Mervyn Francis
Dr. Alfonso Owens
Mrs. Kim Wilson-Owens
Kerry Owens
Ron & Velma Mitchell
Monique Harding
Dr. Dionne Finlay
The Life of JC
WRMV Members & Board Members
If you would like to become a sponsor please email
werunmountvernon@gmail.com. You can donate at PayPal to